Try Iceberg FastForward Procedure

From Iceberg 1.4.0, the fast_forward procedure is supported (see the release note). Using the procedure with the branching feature, you can check your table records before publishing records to data consumers. Through this post, we look when and how to run the procedure.


Go through the following steps. The Iceberg configuration for spark is described in Appendix 1 at the bottom.

  1. Create an Iceberg table with sample records
  2. Create a branch audit based on the current table records
  3. Switch the current branch main to audit and add records into the Iceberg table
  4. Review the records in audit
  5. Run FastForward

1. Create an Iceberg table with sample records

Initially create an Iceberg table via CTAS.

val location = "s3://bucket/path"

CREATE TABLE hive_catalog.db.tbl
USING iceberg 
LOCATION '$location'
	(1, 'tom', '2024-01-28'), (2, 'tan', '2024-01-29'), (3, 'dev', '2024-01-29') AS rec(id, name, dt)

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl").show(false)
|id |name|dt        |
|3  |dev |2024-01-29|
|2  |tan |2024-01-29|
|1  |tom |2024-01-28|

// spark.sql("DESCRIBE EXTENDED hive_catalog.hivedb.ice_ff").show(false)
|col_name                    |data_type                                                                                                             |comment|
|id                          |int                                                                                                                   |NULL   |
|name                        |string                                                                                                                |NULL   |
|                            |                                                                                                                      |       |
|# Metadata Columns          |                                                                                                                      |       |
|_spec_id                    |int                                                                                                                   |       |
|_partition                  |struct<>                                                                                                              |       |
|_file                       |string                                                                                                                |       |
|_pos                        |bigint                                                                                                                |       |
|_deleted                    |boolean                                                                                                               |       |
|                            |                                                                                                                      |       |
|# Detailed Table Information|                                                                                                                      |       |
|Name                        |hive_catalog.db.tbl                                                                                                   |       |
|Type                        |MANAGED                                                                                                               |       |
|Location                    |s3://bucket/path/                                                                                                     |       |
|Provider                    |iceberg                                                                                                               |       |
|Owner                       |hadoop                                                                                                                |       |
|Table Properties            |[current-snapshot-id=1760975580047100766,format=iceberg/parquet,format-version=2,write.parquet.compression-codec=zstd]|       |

The table metadata is stored in the following path:

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl.metadata_log_entries").show(false)
|timestamp              |file                                                                              |latest_snapshot_id |latest_schema_id|latest_sequence_number|
|2024-01-30 05:04:04.189|s3://bucket/path/metadata/00000-3c3df3b3-e356-4bf7-8aec-85f3c35c474b.metadata.json|5729127839002563214|0               |1                     |

The table metadata has the following Iceberg table information:

// $ aws s3 cp s3://bucket/path/metadata/00000-3c3df3b3-e356-4bf7-8aec-85f3c35c474b.metadata.json -
  "format-version" : 2,
  "table-uuid" : "2dff40ad-cd3d-4880-8e91-8d0cbc9bd3fd",
  "location" : "s3://bucket/path",
  "last-sequence-number" : 1,
  "last-updated-ms" : 1706591044189,
  "last-column-id" : 3,
  "current-schema-id" : 0,
  "schemas" : [ {
    "type" : "struct",
    "schema-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "id" : 1,
      "name" : "id",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "int"
    }, {
      "id" : 2,
      "name" : "name",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "string"
    }, {
      "id" : 3,
      "name" : "dt",
      "required" : false,
      "type" : "string"
    } ]
  } ],
  "default-spec-id" : 0,
  "partition-specs" : [ {
    "spec-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "name" : "dt",
      "transform" : "identity",
      "source-id" : 3,
      "field-id" : 1000
    } ]
  } ],
  "last-partition-id" : 1000,
  "default-sort-order-id" : 0,
  "sort-orders" : [ {
    "order-id" : 0,
    "fields" : [ ]
  } ],
  "properties" : {
    "owner" : "hadoop",
    "write.parquet.compression-codec" : "zstd"
  "current-snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214,
  "refs" : {
    "main" : {
      "snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214,
      "type" : "branch"
  "snapshots" : [ {
    "sequence-number" : 1,
    "snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214,
    "timestamp-ms" : 1706591044189,
    "summary" : {
      "operation" : "append",
      "" : "application_1706583192068_0003",
      "added-data-files" : "2",
      "added-records" : "3",
      "added-files-size" : "1794",
      "changed-partition-count" : "2",
      "total-records" : "3",
      "total-files-size" : "1794",
      "total-data-files" : "2",
      "total-delete-files" : "0",
      "total-position-deletes" : "0",
      "total-equality-deletes" : "0"
    "manifest-list" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/snap-5729127839002563214-1-5b5646a8-d7ae-440b-ba72-ffae2b3975c5.avro",
    "schema-id" : 0
  } ],
  "statistics" : [ ],
  "snapshot-log" : [ {
    "timestamp-ms" : 1706591044189,
    "snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214
  } ],
  "metadata-log" : [ ]

2. Create a audit branch from the current table records

In this section, create a new branch from the current 3 records in the Iceberg table. To do this, write.wap.enabled is required to set true.

spark.sql(s"ALTER TABLE hive_catalog.db.tbl SET TBLPROPERTIES ('write.wap.enabled'='true')")

Then create a new branch audit for review new data that will be written into the Iceberg table. The branch is retained forever, and the snapshots are retained for 3 days.

spark.sql(s"ALTER TABLE hive_catalog.db.tbl CREATE BRANCH audit WITH SNAPSHOT RETENTION 3 DAYS")

3. Switch the current branch main to audit and add records into the Iceberg table

Change the current branch to audit. You can check the current branch with the Spark query: SET spark.wap.branch as follows:

spark.sql("SET spark.wap.branch = audit")

// Check the current branch
spark.sql("SET spark.wap.branch").show(false)
|key             |value|

Check the records in the audit branch. The records are the same as the main branch.

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl").show(false)
|id |name|dt        |
|3  |dev |2024-01-29|
|2  |tan |2024-01-29|
|1  |tom |2024-01-28|

Add new two records into the table. Here, one of the records (1000, 'Invalid value') is assumed to be a broken record, the other one is a normal record.

spark.sql(s"INSERT INTO hive_catalog.db.tbl VALUES (4, 'iceberg', '2024-01-30'), (1000, 'Invalid value', '2024-01-30')")

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl").show(false)
|id  |name         |dt        |
|4   |iceberg      |2024-01-30|
|1000|Invalid value|2024-01-30|
|3   |dev          |2024-01-29|
|2   |tan          |2024-01-29|
|1   |tom          |2024-01-28|

Review the difference of records between the branches. The main branch has still 3 records and the new 2 records are not in the table.

spark.sql("SET spark.wap.branch = main")

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl").show(false)
|id |name|dt        |
|3  |dev |2024-01-29|
|2  |tan |2024-01-29|
|1  |tom |2024-01-28|

Review the S3 metadata

In “1. Create an Iceberg table with sample records”, only 00000-3c3df3b3-e356-4bf7-8aec-85f3c35c474b.metadata.json was created, but there are 3 new files are created as follows now:

00001-2549ebf9-a6db-470b-a129-7b4d63211006.metadata.json -> "write.wap.enabled" : "true" is added
00002-585ebf63-98f2-4ca8-ab35-d446cb362cb6.metadata.json -> "audit" is added in the "refs" part
00003-388f56e8-0949-484d-b842-cd79b70d9c20.metadata.json -> new snapshotid pointed from audit is added

See the diff result between 00000 and 00003 in Appendix 2 at the bottom.

Check all branches

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl.refs").show(false)
|name |type  |snapshot_id        |max_reference_age_in_ms|min_snapshots_to_keep|max_snapshot_age_in_ms|
|main |BRANCH|5729127839002563214|NULL                   |NULL                 |NULL                  |
|audit|BRANCH|3060270616263082424|NULL                   |NULL                 |259200000             |

4. Review the newly added records into audit

Before fast-forwarding main to audit, let’s review the records that added in the previous section. Two records were added, and one of them is broken. To achieve the WAP (Write-Audit-Publish) pattern, this review process is important for high data quality delivery to data consumers. In this post, we don’t focus on the data quality process, to simply demonstrate that process, just check the new records manually, and fix the broken record.

To fix the broken record, run the following UPDATE query.

spark.sql(s"UPDATE hive_catalog.db.tbl SET id = 5, name = 'icecube' WHERE id = 1000")

Then, check if the broken record is fixed.

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl").show(false)
|id |name   |dt        |
|4  |iceberg|2024-01-30|
|5  |icecube|2024-01-30|
|3  |dev    |2024-01-29|
|2  |tan    |2024-01-29|
|1  |tom    |2024-01-28|

5. Run fast forwarding

Run the following procedure to fast forward the current position in main to audit.

spark.sql(s"CALL hive_catalog.system.fast_forward(table => 'db.tbl', branch => 'main', to => 'audit')").show(false)
|branch_updated|previous_ref       |updated_ref        |
|main          |5729127839002563214|5571823322290436651|

Review the main branch records:

spark.sql("SET spark.wap.branch = main")

spark.sql(s"SELECT * FROM hive_catalog.db.tbl").show(false)
|id |name   |dt        |
|4  |iceberg|2024-01-30|
|5  |icecube|2024-01-30|
|3  |dev    |2024-01-29|
|2  |tan    |2024-01-29|
|1  |tom    |2024-01-28|


1. Iceberg configuration for Spark

Hive metastore is used as its backend. Here’s the configuration that are passed to Spark.

$ spark-shell/spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
--jars ./iceberg-aws-bundle-1.4.3.jar,./iceberg-spark-runtime-3.5_2.12-1.4.3.jar \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.hive_catalog=org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkCatalog \
--conf spark.sql.catalog.hive_catalog.type=hive \
--conf \
--conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions

2. Difference between 00000 and 00003 snapshots

<   "last-sequence-number" : 1,
<   "last-updated-ms" : 1706593145650,
>   "last-sequence-number" : 2,
>   "last-updated-ms" : 1706594326918,
<       "snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214,
>       "snapshot-id" : 3060270616263082424,
>   }, {
>     "sequence-number" : 2,
>     "snapshot-id" : 3060270616263082424,
>     "parent-snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214,
>     "timestamp-ms" : 1706594326918,
>     "summary" : {
>       "operation" : "append",
>       "" : "application_1706583192068_0003",
>       "added-data-files" : "1",
>       "added-records" : "2",
>       "added-files-size" : "960",
>       "changed-partition-count" : "1",
>       "total-records" : "5",
>       "total-files-size" : "2754",
>       "total-data-files" : "3",
>       "total-delete-files" : "0",
>       "total-position-deletes" : "0",
>       "total-equality-deletes" : "0"
>     },
>     "manifest-list" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/snap-3060270616263082424-1-6616ee87-3667-4b77-aef9-66cf35dacb0d.avro",
>     "schema-id" : 0
>   }, {
>     "timestamp-ms" : 1706593145650,
>     "metadata-file" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/00002-585ebf63-98f2-4ca8-ab35-d446cb362cb6.metadata.json"
➜  fastforward code .
➜  fastforward diff 00000-3c3df3b3-e356-4bf7-8aec-85f3c35c474b.metadata.json 00003-388f56e8-0949-484d-b842-cd79b70d9c20.metadata.json
<   "last-sequence-number" : 1,
<   "last-updated-ms" : 1706591044189,
>   "last-sequence-number" : 2,
>   "last-updated-ms" : 1706594326918,
>     "write.wap.enabled" : "true",
>     },
>     "audit" : {
>       "snapshot-id" : 3060270616263082424,
>       "type" : "branch",
>       "max-snapshot-age-ms" : 259200000
>   }, {
>     "sequence-number" : 2,
>     "snapshot-id" : 3060270616263082424,
>     "parent-snapshot-id" : 5729127839002563214,
>     "timestamp-ms" : 1706594326918,
>     "summary" : {
>       "operation" : "append",
>       "" : "application_1706583192068_0003",
>       "added-data-files" : "1",
>       "added-records" : "2",
>       "added-files-size" : "960",
>       "changed-partition-count" : "1",
>       "total-records" : "5",
>       "total-files-size" : "2754",
>       "total-data-files" : "3",
>       "total-delete-files" : "0",
>       "total-position-deletes" : "0",
>       "total-equality-deletes" : "0"
>     },
>     "manifest-list" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/snap-3060270616263082424-1-6616ee87-3667-4b77-aef9-66cf35dacb0d.avro",
>     "schema-id" : 0
<   "metadata-log" : [ ]
>   "metadata-log" : [ {
>     "timestamp-ms" : 1706591044189,
>     "metadata-file" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/00000-3c3df3b3-e356-4bf7-8aec-85f3c35c474b.metadata.json"
>   }, {
>     "timestamp-ms" : 1706591507126,
>     "metadata-file" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/00001-2549ebf9-a6db-470b-a129-7b4d63211006.metadata.json"
>   }, {
>     "timestamp-ms" : 1706593145650,
>     "metadata-file" : "s3://bucket/path/metadata/00002-585ebf63-98f2-4ca8-ab35-d446cb362cb6.metadata.json"
>   } ]